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I Created GOOGLE

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It was 3:00 in the morning, everyhttp://suhartohekso.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/google2kc21.jpgwhere outside the window was dark, I was unable to spot even the tree just outside the window of this room. It was dark, except for the room I was in, I barely recognized it but with a bit of concentration I was able to recall this as the room where I saw Obama taking the oath for America…….and also Bush…..wait I also saw Clinton doing the same in this very room. “Where am I?” I asked myself, just when all of this was interrupted and I deemed this as my very own room, forget Clinton I even saw the last episode of Oprah just rite here. So why all the confusion……. I was stuck, stuck with what we in this planet call a business plan.

So what is it that can help me get out of this deep canvas of needs, what is that can help me finish off this earthling stuff? I took the step I thought to be the most appropriate at this point of time, I switch on my laptop and connect to the most valuable invention of this century “The Internet”. I know you already are aware of this virtual invention which has made into our lives, on second thoughts our blood. There is but not one single day when either of us can survive the earthly environment without an interaction to this Internet.

Getting back to the topic, so as I was able to connect to what I pay a 100 bucks a month for. My fingers spelled the magic words G-O-O-G-L-E, and I saw myself looking through a list of helpful website address (we make houses on planet earth and websites on planet internet) and guess what, I found what I was looking for…..wait a second, isn’t this what you would have done, given the same situation. Not only you but the millions of us humans dwelling in the planet earth, would have done the same action.

So maybe Mr. Page made the backrub search engine (now known as GOOGLE), but it was me (HUMANS:YOU) who really made it. We were there to give it the rank it needed, to give the traffic it needs. Even now we do the same, not only for google but also for all the other social service providers, such as FACEBOOK, TWITTER & ORKUT. Not that I am against that, but I had this urge in me to share this opinion, and see what you have to say.

Why do we tend to always make others rich. This is not against any one, just some speculations in me which want to understand the human nature. We know that by visiting facebook we are benefiting them for just some fun with friends but we do that, I do that. While all this time we want to be the guy who owns facebook. Most of the time I find my co-workers or friends wishing to have made facebook or twitter, while in their free time they are busy twittering. Why don’t we do something about this, why don’t we start making something like facebook, why don’t we come up with some idea and follow that and stop complaining if we have to at any cost twitter around. So I ask, how many more are there that we will end up making rich, why not ourselves.

On second thoughts…..if all of us try making facebook, will there ever be a facebook at all…..will there be twitter for us to tweet to our beloved friends. So to end this, I conclude that I am in a dire need of a coffee or maybe my precious Marlboro for this post is getting confusing with every word I write. So shoot me a comment and wait for my next post, which I promise will not be as complexed.!

Written by olbanana

May 12, 2009 at 5:01 pm

5 Responses

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  1. okay….but why is this has to be here anywayz. Bro they are good people not bad ones you know!! they make our life easy and enjoyable!!!! so be optimistic bout em!!


    June 8, 2009 at 10:15 am

  2. your confusingly genius man how do u do it,
    i bet u have a beautiful girl hos crazy bout u


    July 10, 2009 at 7:32 am

  3. hmmm…yes u r rite at one point but i would like to pinpoint the article was written in a nice way. keep writing.


    October 11, 2010 at 1:05 pm

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